I’m shy…that doesn’t mean I don’t have a mind…
I used to speak my heart… people thought I’ve ego problem. Then I stopped reacting. Now I can pay more attention to the surroundings…
I used to believe in naive romanticism… the society thought I’m mental. Then I stopped believing. Now I fall asleep as soon as I lie down…
I used to be sensitive…unable to control tears, I used to give excuses to miss bridal occasions…my relatives thought I am unsocial. Then I toughened myself. Now I don’t cry even when the pain is unbearable…
I used to be scared all the time…thinking what if somehow I offend somebody. Then I became selfish. Now my BP stays normal…
I am shy…that doesn’t mean I want life to be monochromatic…
How I wish there was somebody to stand by my side and say, “Hey stupid! Let’s hug. I think we’re soul mates!”…
And mean it.